Six million seven thousand two hundred would be the way to write 6 007 200 in word form.
510 million, 200 thousand, 4 hundred and fifty
0.045 in word form is is "forty-five thousandths" (45/1000) or "zero point zero four five." It simplifies to "nine two-hundredths" (9/200).
5000000000 30000 200 5 in standard form is 5,000,030,205
Six million seven thousand two hundred would be the way to write 6 007 200 in word form.
In order to write 6 007 200 on word form it would be six million seven thousand two hundred.
Two hundred million.
510 million, 200 thousand, 4 hundred and fifty
12 200 000Improved Answer:1.22*107 is 12,200,000 in standard form
Expanded Form: 200 + 50 + 3 Word Form: Two Hundred, Fifty-Three
Six million, seven thousand, two hundred.
It is 200,000,000
1,000,000,000 + 100,000 + 2,000 + 200