It is: 0.42 = 21/50 as a fraction simplified
1/1000 one in the numerator (the part on top), one thousand in the denominator (the part on the bottom)
.000 .001 - one thousandth
To convert a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator by the denominator. For a mixed number, you add the whole number to the fraction before converting to a decimal. Once you have the decimal, round to the nearest thousandth by looking at the fourth decimal place. For example, if you have 3/4, it is 0.75 as a decimal, which rounds to 0.750 to the nearest thousandth.
A picometre is a thousandth of a nanometre.
In decimal form, 1 thousandth is written 0.001
52 thousandth=52/1000
21% = 21/100 in fraction form.
21% = 21/100
25/1,000 5/200 1/40 0.025
heyy the answer is 21/100 :)
One-thousandth, 1 x 10-3