Generally, whole numbers that have no digits after the decimal point are not written as decimalsm but if it is, 30000 would be written as 30000. or 30000.0 or with as many zeros as you like after the decimal point, though the decimal point and zeros are not necessary.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! To write 30,000 as a decimal, you simply move the decimal point three places to the left. So, 30,000 written as a decimal is 30.000. Just remember, there are many ways to express numbers, and each one is a beautiful part of the mathematical landscape.
It is already written in decimal form.
It is 30000.
5000000000 30000 200 5 in standard form is 5,000,030,205
Thirty thousand dollars.
To calculate 30 percent of 30,000, you would first convert 30 percent to a decimal by dividing by 100, which gives you 0.30. Then, you would multiply 0.30 by 30,000 to find the answer. Therefore, 30 percent of 30,000 is 9,000.
It is already written in decimal form.
30000 or 30000 over 1 _____ 1
It is 30000.
It is simply: 30,000.0
Thirty thousand.
Thirty thousand pounds.
Thirty thousand
5280 feet = 1 mile 30000 feet / 5280 feet = 5.682 miles (rounded to third decimal).
5000000000 30000 200 5 in standard form is 5,000,030,205
thirty thousand
Thirty thousand dollars.