A percentage is a number divided by one hundred. So 300% would be 300 ÷ 100, which is equal to the decimal 3.00.
To write 300 million in numbers, you would write 300,000,000. This is because the number 300 represents the hundreds place, and adding six zeros after it signifies the million unit. The commas are used to separate the digits into groups of three for easier readability.
300 billion and 359 million written in standard form is 300,379,000,000.
1812.3 million dollars = $1,812,300,000
300 as a decimal is simply 300.0.
300% = 3.0
thirty million as a decimal = 30000000.0
37/300:= 37 ÷ 300= 0.1233 n decimal
To write 600 million as a decimal, you move the decimal point 6 places to the right. So, the decimal equivalent of 600 million is 600,000,000.0.
It is 900.
three-hundred million
A percentage is a number divided by one hundred. So 300% would be 300 ÷ 100, which is equal to the decimal 3.00.