0.85 is 85% as a percentage and 17/20 as a fraction in its lowest terms
It is 46/100 as a fraction and 46% as a percentage.
60% as a percentage and 3/5 as a fraction in its lowest terms
0.005 = 0.5% and, as a fraction, it is 005/1000 = 1/200.
1.52 = 1.52 x 100% = 152% as a percentage1.52 = 152/100 or 38/25 as a fraction
We can write 7.66 as 7 66/100 which simplifies to 7 33/50. As an improper fraction, we can write: 383/50.
0.045 written as a fraction is 9/200, and as a percentage is 4.5%
0.85 is 85% as a percentage and 17/20 as a fraction in its lowest terms
Divide the percentage by 100 and then simplify if required.
It is 46/100 as a fraction and 46% as a percentage.
3.83 = 383/100 in fraction
60% as a percentage and 3/5 as a fraction in its lowest terms
3.83 = 383/100
23/25 = 92%.
Yes, the probability of an event is a number between 0 and 1 (both inclusive). You can write it as a fraction - in rational form or as a percentage.