Ah, writing numbers in words is like painting a beautiful landscape with words. To write 4.21 in words, you simply say "four point two one." Just like adding colors to a painting, turning numbers into words adds a lovely touch to your writing.
The positive integer factors of 421 are: 1, 421
4.42 = 421/50
four hundred thousands twenty thousands one-thousands thirty-five
421 rounded to nearest tens is 420
421 is an integer and there is no sensible way to express it as a fraction.
Four hundred twenty-one.
Four hundred twenty-one thousand and 35
It is: CDXXI
You can write 142 the following ways: 142...124...214...241...412...421.
421000 = 400000 + 20000 + 1000
The positive integer factors of 421 are: 1, 421
The only prime factor of 421 is 421.
0.421 as a fraction is 421/1000.It is 421/1000.
4.42 = 421/50
421 = CDXXI
four hundred thousands twenty thousands one-thousands thirty-five