A mixed fraction is a fraction with the denominator being smaller than the numerator.
283 is an integer, not a mixed number or fraction.
7.66 as a fraction is 7 66/100, In simplest form it is 7 33/50.
0.73 as a fraction is 73/100
Fraction: 219/20 Mixed number: 10 and 19/20
You cannot because 66 is an integer. It is neither a fraction nor a mixed number.
As a mixed number: 66 2/3. As an improper fraction: 200/3
There can be no answer. 66 oz can be expressed as a fraction only in the context of another quantity of mass.
A mixed fraction is a fraction with the denominator being smaller than the numerator.
66% percent really means 66 over 100. Then, you just have to simplify the fraction 66/100 to get 33/50
4 and 33/50 or 233/50
Fraction: -11/10 Mixed number: = -11/10
283 is an integer, not a mixed number or fraction.
626 is an integer: it is neither a mixed number nor a fraction.