A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the decimal representation is 60000, exactly as in the question.
To write nine tenths as a decimal, it looks like this: .9
blank = representation.
When you write the decimal number '7' in Base-2 (binary), you write '0111'.
0.059 is a decimal.
6 ten thousands is 6*10000 = 60000. As a decimal it is 60000. A decimal is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. As a fraction, it can be written as 60000/1.
decimal notation of 960000 = 900000 + 60000
A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the decimal representation is 60000, exactly as in the question.
1 million = 1000000 60000 million = 60000 x 1 million = 60000 x 1000000 = 60000000000 Which I would write using scientific notation as 6 x 1010.
There are 1.609344 kilometres in one mile. Therefore, 60000 miles is equal to 60000 x 1.609344 = 96560.64 kilometres.
Sixty thousandSixty thousand
2000000 + 100000 + 60000 + 3000
6 x 10^4
how do you write a this as decimal 9265
you divide the numerator by the denominator on you will get a decimal and you write it 00.00 that is a decimal
You first write the integer part, then write the decimal point and then the fractional part in decimal form.