725 as a decimal and fraction = 725.0 ; 725/1
To find the fraction of 1 km that is 725 meters, we first convert 1 km to meters, which is 1000 meters. Then, we divide 725 meters by 1000 meters to get the fraction. This simplifies to 725/1000, which can be further simplified to 29/40. Therefore, 725 meters is 29/40 of 1 km.
0.725 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. And, being a decimal, there is no simpler form. Its rational equivalent is 725/1000 which can be simplified to 29/40.
7.25 as a fraction = 725/100 = 29/4
725 as a decimal and fraction = 725.0 ; 725/1
7.25% = 0.0725 = 725/10000 or 29/400
It is 725/1000.
In Spanish, you write '725' - 'setecientos veinticinco'.
725 = DCCXXV
To find the fraction of 1 km that is 725 meters, we first convert 1 km to meters, which is 1000 meters. Then, we divide 725 meters by 1000 meters to get the fraction. This simplifies to 725/1000, which can be further simplified to 29/40. Therefore, 725 meters is 29/40 of 1 km.
Well, isn't that a happy little question! To turn 362.5 into an improper fraction, we first need to understand that the whole number 362 is like having 362 wholes. The .5 represents half of a whole. So, when we combine them, we get 362 wholes and half of another whole, which can be written as 725/2. Happy fraction painting!
7.25 = 725/100 = 29/47.25 = 725/100 = 29/47.25 = 725/100 = 29/47.25 = 725/100 = 29/4