It would be some number of wholes, and a second number of ten millionths.
When you write the decimal number '7' in Base-2 (binary), you write '0111'.
To write in 67 millionths in standard form, you would start with the digit 6, followed by a decimal point, and then the digits 7 and 0. This would be written as 6.000007 in standard form. For 68 millionths, you would write 6.000008 in standard form. This is because the millionths place is six places to the right of the decimal point.
.7 Solution Method: 7 / 10 = .7 Note: to convert a fraction to a decimal number, divide the top number (numerator) by the bottom number (denominator). Thanks guys! please like!
It would be some number of wholes, and a second number of ten millionths.
To write one hundred seventy five millionths as a decimal, you must place the decimal point six places to the left of the last digit. This is because millionths represent the millionth part of a whole. Therefore, one hundred seventy five millionths is written as 0.000175 in decimal form.
When you write the decimal number '7' in Base-2 (binary), you write '0111'.
To write one hundred six millionths in standard form, you need to understand place value. The number one hundred six millionths can be expressed as 0.000000106 in standard form. This is because each place value to the right of the decimal point represents a power of 10 that is negative. In this case, the number 106 is in the millionths place, which is 10^-7.
To write in 67 millionths in standard form, you would start with the digit 6, followed by a decimal point, and then the digits 7 and 0. This would be written as 6.000007 in standard form. For 68 millionths, you would write 6.000008 in standard form. This is because the millionths place is six places to the right of the decimal point.
The number 7 can be written as 7.00 in hundredths decimal form.
71 and 7/10 = 71.7 as a decimal number
To write 90.07 as a mixed number, we first need to separate the whole number part from the decimal part. The whole number part is 90, and the decimal part is 0.07. To convert the decimal part to a fraction, we write it as 7/100 because there are two decimal places. Therefore, 90.07 as a mixed number is 90 7/100.
It would be 0.000 070 (zero and 7 millionths)