1000 1000s is 1,000,000 There is no need for a decimal point.
800.0 is decimal form. Note the use of the decimal point and a suffix 'zero'.
800% = 80,000
Well, honey, to write 800 in decimal form, you just write it as 800. I mean, it's not rocket science. Just slap that 8 in the hundreds place, and you're good to go. Now go impress someone with your newfound decimal skills.
1000 1000s is 1,000,000 There is no need for a decimal point.
Oh, what a happy little question! To write 800 as a decimal, you simply write it as 800.0. See, decimals are just a way to show parts of a whole number, and in this case, 800 is the whole number with no parts. Just remember, there are no mistakes in decimals, only happy little accidents!
USA 4,050,800,000 EU 4 050 800 000 Usually we don't use the word "and" until we need the decimal point. So, I was surprised that the last word was not thousandth .
It is already written in decimal form.
800/1000 = 0.800