Well, honey, to write 8.45 as a fraction in simplest form, you gotta understand that the 8 is the whole number part and the .45 is the decimal part. So, you take the .45 and put it over 100 because it's two decimal places. Simplify that bad boy by dividing the top and bottom by 5, and you get 169/20. Voila, 8.45 as a fraction in simplest form.
845 rounded to the nearest hundred is 800. This is because the value in the tens place "4" is less than 5.
These are the steps to convert a decimal into a fraction: (1) Place a 1 under the decimal to convert it to fraction form: .845/1 (2) Remove the decimal and place as many 0's to the right of the 1 as there are numbers to the right of the decimal: 845/1000 (3) Reduce the fraction to its lowest term: 169/200
0.845 is greater.
845/1,000 = 169/200
845/1,000 = 169/200
eight hundred and forty-five
845 miles
The fraction of 13/845 is equivalent to 1/65 in its simplest form
845-1136 = -291
845 thousandths is 845.0
845 - 386 = 459
845 x 80% = 678.4