To write eight and sixteen hundredths in standard form, you would represent it as 8.16. The whole number 8 represents the whole units, while the decimal point separates the whole number from the decimal portion. The decimal portion 0.16 represents sixteen hundredths, with the 1 in the tenths place and the 6 in the hundredths place.
Sixteen hundredths.
Oh, dude, it's like sixteen point zero eight. You know, like, just write out the numbers and add "point" for the decimal. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Standard form: 4.08 Word form: four and eight hundredths (Speaking: four point zero eight)
Twelve and sixteen hundredths (12.16) in standard form is 1.216 × 101
Eighty-four and sixteen hundredths (84.16) in standard form is: 8.416 × 101
Eight hundredths in standard numerals = 0.08
eight hundred sixteen and thirty-six hundredths
Oh, dude, it's like sixteen point zero eight. You know, like, just write out the numbers and add "point" for the decimal. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Eight hundredths (0.08) in standard form is 8.0 × 10-2
Fourteen and eight hundredths (14.08) in standard form = 1.408 × 101
Four and sixty-eight hundredths in standard form is 4.68 × 100