Multiply the denominator by the whole number, add the numerator and put the total over the original denominator. Reduce if possible.
First, you divide the two numbers, then you get the mixed number.Next,you just reduce it.OK
2.8 as an improper fraction is 14/52.8 as a mixed number is 24/5
1.13 as an improper fraction is 113/100. As a mixed number it is 1 13/100.
4.32 as an improper fraction in its simplest form is 108/25 and as a mixed number 4 and 8/25
2.75 as an improper fraction is 11/4 2.75 as a mixed number is 2 and 3/4
Improper fraction: 43/8 Mixed numbers: 6 1/8
The mixed number ab/c is equivalent to the improper fraction (a*c+b)/c
First, you divide the two numbers, then you get the mixed number.Next,you just reduce it.OK
Seven fifths as a mixed number is 12/5. As an improper fraction: 7/5
Before you can do that, you need to write each mixed number as an improper fraction, and then write both fractions with a common denominator. The only other choice is to write both mixed numbers as decimals, and then add them.
You could write a fraction as a proper, improper or mixed fraction.
To convert a mixed number to an improper fraction, multiply the denominator by the whole number, add that total to the numerator and put the whole thing over the original denominator.
As a mixed number it is: 5 and 3/10 As an improper fraction it is: 53/10
2.8 as an improper fraction is 14/52.8 as a mixed number is 24/5
184/100 or as mixed fraction 1wholenumber 21/25 Or as improper fraction 46/25
step 1 write each mixed number as an improper fraction step 2 look for common factor and simplify step 3 multiply write the product as a mixed number
A fraction whose value is one or more is called an improper fraction, or a mixed fraction, depending on how you write it. For example one-and-a-half can be written as 1 1/2 - this is a mixed fraction. If you write it as 3/2, it is called an improper fraction.