four hundred fifty-six thousandths
One hundred fifty thousndths
Twenty-five hundredths (not two hundred fifty thousandths)
144,056.58 = one hundred forty-four thousand, fifty-six and fifty-eight hundredths.
Fifty-seven hundredths can be written as the fraction 57/100.
Fifty hundredths can't be an improper fraction. Improper fractions are greater than 1.
Expressed as a vulgar fraction in its simplest form, 0.706 is equal to 353/500, or three-hundred and fifty-three five-hundredths.
Two hundred seven and fifty-six hundredths.
One hundred three and fifty-eight hundredths.
Eight hundred fifty (and zero hundredths).
Fifty Five thousand Two hundred Fifty and Forty Three hundredths
four hundred fifty-six thousandths