One hundred fifty thousndths
Twenty-five hundredths (not two hundred fifty thousandths)
144,056.58 = one hundred forty-four thousand, fifty-six and fifty-eight hundredths.
983.53 = nine hundred eighty-three and fifty-three hundredths.
Fifty-seven hundredths can be written as the fraction 57/100.
Fifty hundredths can't be an improper fraction. Improper fractions are greater than 1.
Expressed as a vulgar fraction in its simplest form, 0.706 is equal to 353/500, or three-hundred and fifty-three five-hundredths.
Two hundred seven and fifty-six hundredths.
One hundred three and fifty-eight hundredths.
Eight hundred fifty (and zero hundredths).
Fifty Five thousand Two hundred Fifty and Forty Three hundredths
To write 4.56 in word form, you would say "four point five six." This represents the number 4 as a whole, 5 as five tenths, and 6 as six hundredths. The decimal point separates the whole number from the fractional part, which is read as "point" when translating into word form.