Five hundred fifty-six thousandths.
Fifty and five thousandths.
Fifty-eight and three hundred eighty-five thousandths.
fifty and twenty-five ten-thousandths
Eight and five hundred fifty-two ten thousandths
Eight and fifty-five thousandths.
Assuming you mean five and three thousandths, the decimal would be 5.003. If you mean, fifty-three thousandths, the decimal would be .053.
five thousand two hundred fifty five ten thousandths
Eight and five hundred fifty-two ten-thousandths.
Five hundred fifty-six thousandths.
It is 0.5058
5.055 is five and fifty five thousandths.
5.055. (or 5+0.055 your question is not clear.)
1.556 = one and five hundred fifty-six thousandths.
Eight and five hundred fifty-two ten-thousandths.