The number representation for the fraction three quarters (three fourths) is 3/4.
(The digital value is 0.75)
In decimal form, four and three quarters is 4.75; you can also write it as 4 3/4.
Three quarters is written .75 If however you are looking for three quarters of 1% it would be .0133333333333... The difference is in the wording of the question
three quarters seventy-five hundredths
It is: 750,000
the answer to this is 3/4. That is how you write it out :P
In numbers: 2 and 3/4 liters
In decimal form, four and three quarters is 4.75; you can also write it as 4 3/4.
Three quarters is .75 or 3/4
Three quarters is written .75 If however you are looking for three quarters of 1% it would be .0133333333333... The difference is in the wording of the question
33/4 or 3.75.
5 3/4.
7 3/4