Think of the decimal as a fraction. The .01 could go up to .99 before it turns into a 1, so that is hundredths.
Thousandths would be .001, because .001 would go up to .999 before it turns into a 1.
One hundredth is 0.01
Write twenty-one hundredthe as a decimal
Twelve and one hundredth.
Ten and one hundredth.
51.04, probably.
One hundredth is 0.01
One and one hundredth as a decimal is written as 1.01
Twenty-one hundredths is 0.21
The answer will depend on what is wrong with it!
Six and one hundredth as a decimal is 6.01
twenty-three and one hundredth
Write twenty-one hundredthe as a decimal
Twenty one hundreth as a fraction would be 21/100.
one and eighty-eight hundredth in decimal = 1.88