2/24 cannot be written accurately as a decimal. Two twenty-fourths is equivalent to one twelfth which in decimal is 0.8333 recurring.
8.225 = eight and two hundred twenty-five thousandths.
2 and 3/4 as a decimal is 2.75
To write 42.23 in word form, you would say "forty-two and twenty-three hundredths." This breaks down the number into its whole number part, which is forty-two, and its decimal part, which is twenty-three hundredths. It is important to include the "and" to indicate the separation between the whole number and decimal parts.
Two fourths of twenty is equal to ten. To find this, you first need to simplify the fraction 2/4 to 1/2 by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 2. Then, multiply 1/2 by twenty to get the final answer of ten.
To write twenty two hundredths as a decimal, you would divide 22 by 100. This would give you 0.22 as the decimal equivalent. The decimal point indicates the separation between the whole number and the fractional part, with the two digits after the decimal point representing the hundredths place.
two and three fourths written as a decimal is 2.75
the decimal for two fourths is 0.50
It is 0.022
Twenty-five and two tenths
1.46666 repeating