Well, isn't that a happy little question! Sixty-seven hundredths in decimal form is simply 0.67. Just imagine those two little numbers dancing together, creating a beautiful harmony on your canvas of numbers. Keep practicing, and soon you'll be painting with decimals like a true artist.
Seven and sixty-two hundredths
This way: one and sixty-seven hundredths.
28.67 = twenty-eight and sixty-seven hundredths.
sixty-nine and seven hundredths
One and sixty-three hundredths written in decimal form is 1.63
Seven and sixty-two hundredths
It is 0.67
One and sixty-seven hundredths
Assuming the question is six and sixty-seven hundredths 6.67
sixty hundredths = 0.60 in decimal
In words 0.67 is sixty-seven hundredths.
sixty and four hundredths = 60.04 in decimal
0.67 = sixty-seven hundredths.
This way: one and sixty-seven hundredths.
Sixty and four hundredths = 60.04