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Q: How many btus to heat 1200 square foot home?
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How many BTUs to heat a 500 square foot house?

about 12,000

How many btus are needed to heat a sixty square foot room?

The number of BTUs needed to heat a room can vary based on factors like insulation, ceiling height, climate, etc. As a rough estimate, you can use the formula: 20 BTUs per square foot for a room with standard ceiling height. Therefore, for a 60 square foot room, you would need around 1,200 BTUs to heat it effectively.

How many btu's to heat 800 square foot home?

30000 btus for every 400 square ft

How many btu to heat a 800 square foot home?

30000 btus for every 400 square ft

Cost to heat hm of 1200 sq ft in 2004?

what as the cost of heat for a 1200 square foot home in 2004

How many square feet does 4800 btus heat?

4800 BTUs will 150 square feet.

How many btu to heat 1600 sf?

On average it takes about 1,600 BTUs to heat 50 square feet. Multiplying 50 by 1600 equals about 80,000. Therefore, the heating plan of 1,600 square foot are would take about 80,000 BTUs.

How many square feet will 26000 btus heat?

how many square feet will 26,000.00 heat

How many BTUs are needed to heat a 1150 square foot home?

to calulate your btu needs,you can use this link:

How much should it cost to heat a 1200 square foot house in the winter per month?

Florida or Maine?

How many btu to heat 1000 square feet?

It takes about 50,000 btus to heat 1000 square feet

What is the average cost to heat a 1200 square foot home with natural gas?

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