The answer is 8
* 2 Parents * 4 Grandparents * 8 Great Grandparents * 16 Great Great Grandparents * 32 Great Great Great Grandparents * 64 Great Great Great Great Grandparents * 128 Great Great Great Great Great Grandparents * 256 Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandparents * 512 Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandparents * 1024 Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandparents
1000 Great Britain Pounds= 79990.1 Indian Rupees
Greater has two syllables. The syllables are great-er.
Neither. A person should always ask: "what is the percentage?" or "how great is the percentage?"
45,000,000,000/(-239) = -188,284,518.8 times as great, approx.
There are 1024 direct ancestors in 10 generations, excluding the siblings of each generation and including only parents, grandparents, great grandparents ect. 1 Self 2 Parents 4 Grandparents 8 Great grandparents 16 Great grandparents 1 removed 32 Great grandparents 2 removed 64 Great grandparents 3 removed 128 Great grandparents 4 removed 256 Great grandparents 5 removed 512 Great grandparents 6 removed 1024 Great grandparents 7 removed Added together 2046 direct line ancestors over 10 generations removed from yourself and excluding their siblings. 1024 different families and surnames though some surnames may be repeated down the generations as cousins marry.
GENERATIONS BACKNUMBER OF INDIVIDUALSBIRTH Each Generation (x)Cumulative Name of Generation n Decimal BinaryDecimal Year self 0 1 11 1950 parents 1 2 23 1920 grandparents 2 4 47 1890 great-grandparents 3 8 815 1860 2nd great-grandparents 4 16 1631 1830 3rd great-grandparents 5 32 3263 1800 4th great-grandparents 6 64 64127 1770 5th great-grandparents 7 128 128255 1740 6th great-grandparents 8 256 256511 1710 7th great-grandparents 9 512 5121023 1680 8th great-grandparents 10 1024 1K2047 1650 9th great-grandparents 11 2048 2K4095 1620 10th great-grandparents 12 4096 4K8191 1590 11th great-grandparents 13 8192 8K16,383 1560 12th great-grandparents 14 16,384 16K32,767 1530 13th great-grandparents 15 32,768 32K65,535 1500 14th great-grandparents 16 65,536 64K131,071 1470 15th great-grandparents 17 131,072 128K262,143 1440 16th great-grandparents 18 262,144 256K524,287 1410 17th great-grandparents 19 524,288 512K1,048,575 1380 18th great-grandparents 20 1,048,576 1M2,097,151 1350 19th great-grandparents 21 2,097,152 2M4,194,303 1320 20th great-grandparents 22 4,194,304 4M8,388,607 1290 21st great-grandparents 23 8,388,608 8M16,777,215 1260 22nd great-grandparents 24 16,777,216 16M33,554,431 1230 23rd great-grandparents 25 33,554,432 32M67,108,863 1200 24th great-grandparents 26 67,108,864 64M134,217,727 1170 25th great-grandparents 27 134,217,728 128M268,435,455 1140
This can easily vary from anywhere between 60 and 140 years (e.g. if every generation, a mother gave birth to a child at age 15 ... versus ... if every generation, a mother gave birth to a child at age 35). However, regardless of the number of years, there are precisely three generations separating you and your great great grandmother. They are the generations of your parents, your grandparents and your great grandparents.
If there have been no marriages between cousins, a person will have: 4 grandparents 8 g-grandparents 16 gg-grandparents 32 ggg-granparents 64 gggg-grandparents 128 ggggg-grandparents
A pedigree typically shows three generations: the top generation represents grandparents, the middle generation are the parents, and the bottom generation includes the children.
Don't know if this is a trick question or if you just for got to hyphenate great-grand. If you just forgot the hyphen, you have eight great-grandparents. If it is a trick question, then it depends how many of your granparents you think are great to you.
Depending on the size of the apartment, there can be up to three generations living in the same residence: grandparents, parents, and children. Note also that numerous "cousins" may reside on the premises.
38 total
'Third cousin' refers to how many generations you are from your common ancestor. Third cousin means that the two people share the same great-great-grandparents. Another way of looking at third cousin is to know that two people who are third cousins are the great grandchildren of siblings. The 'once removed' part refers to how many generations different is your distance than your cousin's from the common ancestor. If two people are third cousins, then one of those two and the child of the other are third cousins, once removed, because the child is one generation further removed from the common ancestor.
well, baldness certainly skips generations, so kids could get it from grandads, but im not sure about many other features.