Four tenths equal forty hundredths
350 hundredths equal 3.5.
87.5 of them
There are: 93/100 = 0.93
Four tenths equal forty hundredths
40 hundredths
350 hundredths equal 3.5.
65 hundredths.
0.4 is equal to 40/100 or forty hundredths.
Two tenths is equal to twenty hundredths.
.02 is two hundredths
20 thousandths equal 2 hundredths.
To convert 40.75 to hundredths, you multiply the whole number part (40) by 100 to get 4000 hundredths. Then, you take the decimal part (.75) and multiply it by 100 to get 75 hundredths. Adding these together, you get 4000 + 75 = 4075 hundredths.
1 = 100 hundredths 2 = 200 hundredths . . 5 = 500 hundredths