To find the number of multiples of 58 between 1000 and 1040, we need to divide the range by the number and see how many whole numbers result. The first multiple of 58 greater than 1000 is 1012 (58 x 17), and the last multiple less than 1040 is 986 (58 x 17). To find the total number of multiples, we subtract the two values and add 1 (17 - 17 + 1), resulting in 2 multiples of 58 between 1000 and 1040.
Ten of them.
There are 143 such numbers, too many to list.
There are 67.
There are 30 multiples of 30 that fall between 100 and 1,000.
Only the multiples of 1000.
There are 83 multiples of six that fall between 500 and 1,000.
There are 1000 millimetres in one metre. Therefore, 1040 millimetres is equal to 1040 / 1000 = 1.04 meters.
100 of them.
428 of them.
There are 75 multiples of 12 between 100 and 1000.