Here are the greatest common factors of the pairs of numbers including 72:
GCF of 1, 72 is 1
GCF of 2, 72 is 2
GCF of 3, 72 is 3
GCF of 4, 72 is 4
GCF of 5, 72 is 1
GCF of 6, 72 is 6
GCF of 7, 72 is 1
GCF of 8, 72 is 8
GCF of 9, 72 is 9
GCF of 10, 72 is 2
GCF of 11, 72 is 1
GCF of 12, 72 is 12
GCF of 13, 72 is 1
GCF of 14, 72 is 2
GCF of 15, 72 is 3
GCF of 16, 72 is 8
GCF of 17, 72 is 1
GCF of 18, 72 is 18
GCF of 19, 72 is 1
GCF of 20, 72 is 4
GCF of 21, 72 is 3
GCF of 22, 72 is 2
GCF of 23, 72 is 1
GCF of 24, 72 is 24
GCF of 25, 72 is 1
GCF of 26, 72 is 2
GCF of 27, 72 is 9
GCF of 28, 72 is 4
GCF of 29, 72 is 1
GCF of 30, 72 is 6
GCF of 31, 72 is 1
GCF of 32, 72 is 8
GCF of 33, 72 is 3
GCF of 34, 72 is 2
GCF of 35, 72 is 1
GCF of 36, 72 is 36
GCF of 37, 72 is 1
GCF of 38, 72 is 2
GCF of 39, 72 is 3
GCF of 40, 72 is 8
GCF of 41, 72 is 1
GCF of 42, 72 is 6
GCF of 43, 72 is 1
GCF of 44, 72 is 4
GCF of 45, 72 is 9
GCF of 46, 72 is 2
GCF of 47, 72 is 1
GCF of 48, 72 is 24
GCF of 49, 72 is 1
GCF of 50, 72 is 2
GCF of 51, 72 is 3
GCF of 52, 72 is 4
GCF of 53, 72 is 1
GCF of 54, 72 is 18
GCF of 55, 72 is 1
GCF of 56, 72 is 8
GCF of 57, 72 is 3
GCF of 58, 72 is 2
GCF of 59, 72 is 1
GCF of 60, 72 is 12
GCF of 61, 72 is 1
GCF of 63, 72 is 9
GCF of 64, 72 is 8
GCF of 65, 72 is 1
GCF of 66, 72 is 6
GCF of 67, 72 is 1
GCF of 68, 72 is 4
GCF of 69, 72 is 3
GCF of 70, 72 is 2
GCF of 71, 72 is 1
There are 24 with the greatest common factor of 1.
The greatest factors of any positive integers are the integers themselves. The GCF of 28 and 60 is 4.
In math, the greatest common factor (GCF) of two or more non-zero integers is the largest positive integer that divides the numbers without a remainder.
The greatest common multiple of any set of integers is infinite.
The greatest common multiple of any set of integers is infinite.
A positive integer is 6*8*10 = 480 although there are smaller and larger positive integers with that property.
The least common factor of any set of integers is 1.
The lowest common factor of any set of positive integers is 1.
The least common factor of any set of positive integers is 1.
The greatest factors of any positive integers are the numbers themselves. The greatest common factor of 75 and 90 is 15.
The greatest factors of any positive integers are the numbers themselves. The greatest common factor of 30 and 66 is 6.
The greatest factors of any positive integers are the integers themselves. The GCF of 22 and 33 is 11.
The greatest factors of any positive integers are the integers themselves. The GCF of 28 and 60 is 4.
The GCF is 14. The least common factor of any set of positive integers is 1.
The GCF is 2. The least common factor of any set of positive integers is 1.
The least common factor of any set of positive integers is 1.