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You can get 20 questions wrong.

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Q: How many questions can you get wrong to get an 80 percent if there are 100 questions?
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How many questions can you get wrong to get an 70 percent if there are 100 questions?


How many questions can you get wrong on 100 question test to get 80 percent?


How many questions can you get wrong to get an 80 percent if there are 5 questions?

100 divided by 5 is 20. 100 minus 20 is 80. The answer is 1.

What is the percentage of 17 wrong out of 100 questions?

17 percent wrong, 83 percent right.

How many questions can I get wrong on a 25 questions test to score 70 percent?

30/100*25 =7.5 so you must not get more than 7 questions wrong to score 70%

How many questions can you get wrong to get an 80 percent if there are 16 questions?

You can get at most 20% wrong. 20% of 16 is 16*20/100 = 3.2 Since you cannot get 0.2 questions wrong, the maximum possible is 3 questions.

How many questions can you get wrong on a test that has 100 questions in order to get a 78 percent?

if you get 22 questions wrong, you will have a 78%. less then 22 wrong would mean a higher percentage and more then 22 wrong would mean a lower percentage.

How many questions can you get wrong on 100 question test to get 70 percent?

The answer depends on whether or not there are penalties (negative marks) for wrong answers. If not, then the answer is 30.

What percent is 9 wrong out of 81 questions?

100/9 = 11.11 %

What percent is 4 wrong out of 22 questions?

100*4/22 = 18.1818... (recurring) % wrong.

How many questions can you get wrong to get an 80 percent out of 50 questions?

10 is the answer,because 100 - 80 = 20 divide that by 2 and you get the answer. 50 - 40 = 10

What percent is 4 wrong out of 65 questions?

93.85% (61/65,*100)