The square root of 148 is not an integer.
The best way to do this is convert it all to inches. 148 inches by 143 inches. This gives you 21,164 square inches. Divide by 144 to get a total of 147 square feet.
14 can go into 148 approximately 10.57 times.
The factor tree for 148: 148 74,2 37,2,2
148 written as a fraction in simplest form is 148/1
148 meters = 485.564304 feet Direct Conversion Formula 148 m*1 ft/0.3048 m=485.5643045 ft
It is 148.622 feet or 148 feet and 7.464 inches.
A foot is a measure of length. A square foot is a measure of area. The two units are therefore incompatible.
There are 148 feet. A single quote is the symbol for feet.
148 centimeters is 1.48 meters.
There are 1.48 meters in 148 centimeters, since 1 meter = 100 centimeters
The area of Kranjče is 960,000.0 square meters.
There are 148 inches.
There are 3.7592 meters in 148 inches, since there are about 39.37 inches in one meter.
840 millimeters is 2 feet and 9.07 inches.
A square has four equal sides, so its perimeter is 4*length of one side, so to find the length divide the perimeter by 4. 148/4 is equal to 37.
The square root of 148 is not an integer.