how many square feet is 0.3 square metres
885 square feet is 82.2191904 square meters.
325 square feet is 30.19 square meters.
2000 square feet = 1333.33... (recurring) square feet.
22500 square feet
1,500 square feet (30x50 = 1,500)
Assuming the room is rectangular - which is usually the case - you simply multiply length x width.
A 30x50 roof has 1,500 square feet which is 15 squares. 3 bundles of shingles equals 1 square so you will need about 45 bundles.
Assuming each concrete block is 8 inches by 8 inches and the building has walls that are 8 feet high, you would need approximately 1,725 concrete blocks for a 30x50 building. This calculation takes into account the total surface area of the walls that need to be covered by the blocks.
how many square feet in 25 feet by 6 feet
10279 square feet.
2178 square feet.2178 square feet.2178 square feet.2178 square feet.
How many square feet are in the world?
About 430.5 square feet. (430.556417 square feet)
96 square feet
3.472 square feet.