Well, isn't that a happy little math question! If you take 64 and divide it by 8, you'll find that 8 can go into 64 a total of 8 times. Just imagine each time you divide, you're creating a little division masterpiece on your canvas of numbers. Happy dividing, my friend!
8 can go into 64 8 times because when you divide 64 by 8, you get 8 as the quotient. This is because 8 multiplied by 8 equals 64, making it a perfect division without any remainder. Therefore, 8 can go into 64 exactly 8 times.
Well, honey, 8 can go into 64 a total of 8 times. It's simple math, darling. Just divide 64 by 8 and you get your answer. Math doesn't have to be complicated, sugar.