You will usually find one pint of honey in an unopened one pint jar.
1 Pint = 473.176 ml
That depends on what the substance is. A pint is a unit of volume while a pound is a unit of weight (force). The density of a substance is its weight (actually mass) per unit volume, such as pounds per pint. An old mnemonic saying is "A pint's a pound the world around', because the approximate weight of a pint of water is one pound.
A pint is a liquid or dry measure of sixteen ounces, 0.454 kilograms of weight, about 35 cubic inches, and is half of a quart. For liquid, a British pint is equal to 0.568 liters and a US pint is equal to 0.473 liters. For dry, a US pint is equal to 0.5506 liters. In some areas (such as Great Britain), "a pint" refers to a pint of beer.
16 ounces for pint of milk, water, juice, or any other liquid
568ml= 1 pint 320ml=? 320 X 1 /568=0.563 pint
That is 1.411 cups.
where is my fuse box located
A pint of beer is approximately $5.
1 pint = 16 oz 1 oz = 0.06 pint
80% of a pint?
One pint is 0.125 gallon.
Variable by site, averaging 320ml/year.
320mL = 10.82 US fl oz.
320mL is 10.82 fluid ounces. (US)
320 ml = 10.8 fl oz (US).
1 US pint is 473 ml.A US pint is 473. An Imperial pint is 568 ml.