They aren't pennies. They have a face value of 10 cents which makes them dimes.
There is more than one possible answer to this question. One possible answer is 12 quarters, 7 dimes, and 4 pennies.
60 centsuhh .. 1 dollar... genius.................... or in other words 60 pennies,20 nickels,10 dimes,4 quarters etc. hope this helps :)
200 dimes = $20.00 90 dimes = $9.00 (Answer) 290 dimes= $29.00
10 dimes is 1 dollar, so 2,000 dimes is 200 dollars.
90 cents. or 90 pennies
What is 3 dimes +4 pennies=
53 pennies
1 dollar.
10 quarters 7 dimes 9 pennies and 27 nickels is: $4.64
They aren't pennies. They have a face value of 10 cents which makes them dimes.
There are 20 nickels in a $2.00 roll of coins. There are 50 dimes in a $5.00 roll of dimes, and there are 50 pennies in a $0.50 roll of pennies.
66 cents
56 cents