The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 72 252 is 504.The Highest Common Factor (HCF) for 72 252 is 36.
No. It can be neither. HCF is Highest Common Factor; a factor of a number is a number which divides into it with no remainder. Thus all factors are less than or equal to the number. 72 is greater than 6, therefore it cannot be a factor of 6, nor the Highest Common Factor of 6 and another number. LCM is Lowest Common Multiple; a multiple of a number is that number times some other number. Thus all multiples are greater than or equal to the number. 72 is less than 252, therefore it cannot be a multiple of 252, nor can it be the Lowest Common Multiple of 252 and another number. However, 6 is a factor of 72, thus 6 could be the HCF of 72 and another number, eg hcf(30, 72) = 6. But 252 is not a multiple of 72, so 252 could not be a LCM of 72 and some other number.
The GCF is 36.
The GCF is 36.
The GCF/HCF of 108 and 252 is 36.
The GCF is 36.
The GCF is 28.
The HCF is: 12
to find a factor of a number you have to 1. find the hcf (highest common factor) 2. find how many times the hcf goes into your number AND THAT IS YOUR ANSWER!
I guess you mean the highest common factor. Use a loop. Start assuming that the hcf is the first number in the array. Call this "result". Find the hcf of "result" and the second element, assign this to "result". Find the hcf of "result" and the third element, and copy this back to result, etc.