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A positive scalar multiplied by a vector, will only change the vector's magnitude, not the direction. A negative scalar multiplied by the vector will reverse the direction by 180°.

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Q: How will you multiply a vector by positive number?
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When you multiply a positive number by a negative number you always get a negative number.

When you multiply a positive number by ba negative one what is the sign of the answer?

when you multiply a positive number by a negative number it is a negative. if u multiply a negative by a negative then it is positive

Does a positive number multiply a positive number equals a negative number or a positive number?

(+)(+)=(+) (-)(-)=(+) (-)(+)=(-) (+)(-)=(-) This is all.

When you multiply a positive number by a negative one?

you will always get a positive number

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multiply the numbers together and the sign is positive , as a negative times a negative is a positive

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a positive number..... 2 negatives=positive

When you multiply two positive numbers togather your answer will be?

A positive number.

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It decreases.

Is positive times positive negative?

A positive number times another positive number will give you a positive answer. If you multiply two negative numbers together, you will also have a positive answer. The only way to get a negative answer is if you multiply a positive by a negative.

Can you multiply a vector and a scalar?

Yes, you can multiply a vector by a scalar. The scalar will multiply each component of the vector by the same value, resulting in a new vector with each component scaled by that value.

When you multiply a negative number by a positive number is the number positive or negative?

The result of multiplying a positive number by a negative number is a negative number.

What number is the length of a vector?

The length of a vector is a scalar quantity, typically denoted as a positive real number, that represents the magnitude or size of the vector. It is calculated using the vector's components in a coordinate system, often with the Pythagorean theorem.