You cannot convert a decimal into a decimal!
0.2 already is a decimal. There is nothing to convert.0.2 already is a decimal. There is nothing to convert.0.2 already is a decimal. There is nothing to convert.0.2 already is a decimal. There is nothing to convert.
Convert 29.53 to decimal
To convert a percentage to a decimal, you simply divide the percentage by 100. So, to convert 138 percent to a decimal, you would divide 138 by 100, which equals 1.38. Therefore, 138 percent as a decimal is 1.38.
If the number is already in decimal form, you do not need to do anything to "convert" it to decimal!
212.65 is a decimal.
The binary number 11.1 in decimal would be 3.5
You cannot convert a decimal into a decimal!
The answer depends on convert to WHAT! It would have helped answer the question if you had specified that little bit.
0.2 already is a decimal. There is nothing to convert.0.2 already is a decimal. There is nothing to convert.0.2 already is a decimal. There is nothing to convert.0.2 already is a decimal. There is nothing to convert.
Convert 29.53 to decimal
It would be 87.5% move the decimal 2 places to the right when making a decimal to a percent.
To convert a percentage to a decimal, you simply divide the percentage by 100. So, to convert 138 percent to a decimal, you would divide 138 by 100, which equals 1.38. Therefore, 138 percent as a decimal is 1.38.
0.31 as a percentage would be 31%. Remember to move the decimal point two places to the right to convert a decimal to a percentage. Move the decimal point two places to the left to convert a percentage to a decimal.
Say you have 23%. To convert it to a decimal you would just put .23 If you have 50% you could just put .5