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Q: If Heather earns an annual salary of 46500 federal income tax of 3200 state income tax of 930 and FICA tax 7.65 what will her take home pay be after paying taxes?
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If heather earns an annual salary of 46500 dollars with federal income tax of 3200 dollars state income tax of 930 dollars and FICA taxes at 7.65 percent what will her take home pay be after paying?

38, 812.75

Heather earns an annual salary of 46500 with federal income tax of 3200 state income tax of 930 and FICA taxes at 7.65 what will her take-home pay be after paying taxes?

7.65% of 46500 is 3557.25. This means: 46500 - 3200 - 930 - 3557.25 = 38812.75

If heather earns an annual salary of 46500 with federal income tax of 3200 state income tax of 930 and fica taxes at 7.65 percent what will her take home pay be after paying taxes?

Do the math yourself lol. Just take 7.65 percent of 46500, add that to 4130 then subtract this number from 46500, the result: your answer.

If Heather earns an annual salary of 46 500 with federal income tax of 3 200 state income tax of 930 and FICA taxes at 7.65 percent what will her take home pay be after paying taxes?

Heather should ask her employer about any other amounts that will have to be withheld from her gross annual pay of 46500 that will have to be withheld before she will be able to determine her annual net take home pay. 46500 X .0765 = 3557.25 46500.00 -3557.25 = 40942.75 and then she will still have other amounts that will be withheld before she will be able to determine how much her actual net take home pay will be.

Do people get higher pay weekly?

No. The better paying jobs pay a monthly annual income.

If she earns an annual salary of 46500 with federal income tax of 3200 state income tax of 930 and FICA taxes at 7.65 percent what will her take home pay be after paying taxes?

.0765x 46,500 = 3557.25 46500 - 3557.25 - 3200 - 930 =38,812.75

What does annual income means?

Amount of money made in one year from all sources before paying taxes on it

When did paying taxes become mandatory in America?

Taxes became mandatory in America in 1913 with the federal income tax. The 16th Amendment of the US Constitution enacted the federal income tax.

How does statehood helps Puerto Rico?

it wont help Puerto Rico at all. We receive federal income without paying Federal Taxes

How do you stop paying Federal Insurance Contributions Act?

You cannot stop paying into the FICA fund as long as your are a US Citizen or resident alien and have any earned income form providing your services to earn the income.

Stop paying income tax on social security?

You will NEVER be able to STOP paying income tax on your SSB amount as long as you are still breathing and you other sources of gross worldwide income and tax exempt interest and dividends that you are required to report on your 1040 federal income tax return.

I need to pay personal income tax for the first time after starting my business.?

There are specific forms you need to complete in order to do this. Also, if you live in a state with state income taxes you will need to be paying those as well. Go to for information about paying your federal income tax.