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Q: If a department makes a profit of 30 percent on a turnover of 85000 what percentage profit can be expected if overheads increase by 10000 but other factors remain unchanged?
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If a department makes a profit of 30 percent on a turnover of 85000 what percentage profit can be expected if overheads increase by 10000 but all other factors remain unchanged?


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A jump in crime rates is expected to have an effect on property prices

What is meant by the terms under-absorption and over-absorption of fixed overheads how they arise and how they are calculated?

Over or Under AbsorptionNote that as long as planned level of activity and the actual level of activity is not the same there is always an Over or Under Absorption situationThis is because overhead absorption rate is set at the start of the period based upon an expected level of production and that during the period, the level of output and or overheads will be different from the planned overheads and or output.OVER-absorption occurs when the total overhead recovered or absorbed is GREATER than the actual level of overheads for the period.UNDER-absorption occurs when the total overheads recovered or absorbed is LESS than the actual overheads incurred in the period.

How do you identify under and over absorption?

Over or Under AbsorptionNote that as long as planned level of activity and the actual level of activity is not the same there is always an Over or Under Absorption situationThis is because overhead absorption rate is set at the start of the period based upon an expected level of production and that during the period, the level of output and or overheads will be different from the planned overheads and or output.OVER-absorption occurs when the total overhead recovered or absorbed is GREATER than the actual level of overheads for the period.UNDER-absorption occurs when the total overheads recovered or absorbed is LESS than the actual overheads incurred in the period.

What is based price method?

Under cost based pricing method ,costs incurred in producing , & distributing the product is identified as direct costs & indirect costs . All the direct costs are calculated on goods sold (called prime costs) & added with indirect fixed & variable production overheads, administrative overheads, & selling & distribution overheads. when total cost of sales is arrived, a certain percentage of profits (depending on economic condition of customers , competitive factors , subsidies available , & return on investment expected ) is charged on total cost of sales. If subsidies fro government is available per unit of product it will be set-off against total cost to base profit percentage on net cost.

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According to the Department of Energy, energy prices are expected to rise in 2014 by approximately 23 percent and will continue to rise in subsequent years.

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A percentage of return that can be expected from a high yield savings account is 0.10%. Although this is the average, some percentages can get as high as 0.90%.

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possibly increase, possibly decrease, or possibly remain unchanged

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Varies with company, profile and percentage expected.

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