In mathematics there are Irrational Numbers that are a subset of real numbers.
In real life, there are actions taken that are irrational but the fact that they are taken makes them part of reality.
It is a rational number because it can also be expressed as a fraction.
Rational, because it can also be expressed as a fraction.
A rational number cannot also be irrational. A real number is either rational, or it is irrational.
The negative of a rational number is also rational.
4.6 is rational.
When a rational numbers is divided by an irrational number, the answer is irrational for every non-zero rational number.
1.35 is a rational number that can also be expressed as a fraction.
10.01 is a rational number
is 34.54 and irrational or rational. number
0.6 is a rational number because it can also be expressed as a fraction.