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holes are majority in base
To know if a transistor is PNP or an NPN,the following should be verified:For a PNP transistor, the base-collector junction is forward biased while the base-emitter junction is reversed biased.For an NPN transistor, the base-emitter junction is forward biased while the base -collector junction is reversed biased.
1. NPN transistors current conductin is by electrons and conventional current flow will be in the opposite direction. 2. Majority charge carriers are electrons whose mobility is almost double than that of holes.
"P" is for Positive and "N" is for Negative So basically put a PNP Transistor Would use N to Switch P, in the name "PNP" or "NPN" the first character is for the polarity of the Collector-pin, the second for the Base-Pin, and the third for the Emmiter-pin. So if you have a PNP Transistor you can`t just replace it with an NPN as the polarities differ. If you can find a way to change those polarities then sure it could work. The Collector-pin basically receives the bigger current. The Base-pin determines how much of that current will be transferred to the emmiter-pin. So in a PNP the base current could for example be 0V and the Collector 5V, this will allow a free flow of current from Collector to Emmiter, the usage of a transistor in many cases is to switch high current with lower current. The main difference is that a PNP transistor uses "holes" as carriers and an NPN transistor uses electrons as carriers (It is to be remembered that the flow of current is always in the direction opposite to that of the flow of electrons). The difference in the symbol for the two transistors are that the PNP transistor will have an arrow pointed to the base from the emitter, and the NPN has it pointing outside.
Mostly electron current carriers are more mobile than hole current carriers, resulting in a faster transistor.
Because in this device the resistance between two terminal respectively collector and emitter is changed by changing the base voltage that is it transfers the resistance between emitter and collector therefore it is called as TRANSISTOR. (TRANSFER OF RESISTOR)
UJT (UniJunction Transistor): It is a transistor with only one junction and three terminals: an emitter (E) and two bases (B1 and B2). BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor): This type of transistor consists of two junctions and three terminals, namely Emitter "E", Base "B" and Collector"C". There are two types of BJT, i) PNP and ii) NPN.
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Uh dun't nuh
result of output characteristics of npn transister in CB mode
A sexy transistor are two type. NPN and PNP..... c means common b means base .