This is not known.
It is believed that the ancient Egyptians knew of them, but it is known that the ancient Greeks did.
We can't answer this if you don't provide a range since new higher prime numbers get discovered every year or so. Since the lowest prime number is 2, the product will be whatever the highest prime number is doubled.
It has not yet been discovered because numbers are infinite
Any two prime numbers will be relatively prime. Numbers are relatively prime if they do not have any prime factors in common. Prime numbers have only themselves as prime factors, so all prime numbers are relatively prime to the others.
The opposite of prime numbers are composite numbers.
Products of prime numbers are composite numbers.
Mathematics, including prime numbers, is discovered, not invented.Systems and methods we use are invented, but concepts of relationships between objects governed by logic, such as the prime numbers are discovered and named. As such, a more appropriate question might be "Who discovered prime numbers?"Many have discovered prime numbers; the first is unknown to mankind.
The set of prime numbers is thought to be infinite.
No, prime numbers already existed. Euclid simply made some important mathematical contributions related to prime numbers. Among others, he discovered a surprisingly simple proof that the set of prime numbers is infinite; and he discovered that the prime factorization of any natural number is unique.
The largest one.
No because the concept of prime and composite numbers were known long before Einstein but Albert Einstein discovered his famous equation: E = mc2
No He discovered how to work out the hypotenuse
It is hard to for historians to know exactly who "discovered" prime numbers. It is believed that the ancient Egyptians had some knowledge about prime numbers. However it was the ancient Greeks who get most of the credit for being the "first" to study prime numbers.
No one has ever discovered the mathematical pattern for prime numbers and all that is known about them is that each prime number has only 2 factors which are itself and one.
Negatopia. It isn't a country anymore it merged with french.
The last known twin prime number as of now is 2996863034895, which is part of the twin prime pair (2996863034895, 2996863034897). Twin prime numbers are prime numbers that differ by 2. However, it is worth noting that there may be larger twin prime numbers that have not been discovered yet.
Perfect numbers have the form 2n-1(2n-1) where 2n-1 is a Mersenne prime. When a new Mersenne prime is discovered, so is a new perfect number.
Prime factors were discovered by mathematicians in Greece, Egypt, and other Mediterranean countries several thousand years ago.