If the numerator is more than double the denominator.If the numerator is more than double the denominator.If the numerator is more than double the denominator.If the numerator is more than double the denominator.
0.80 is more than 0.425 is.
More than, or >.
seven more than a number is when you have a number and you add 7 to it it is 7 more than a number seven is more than a number means you have two numbers X and 7 and 7>X
No, except as a small part of it.
25. 625/25=25
2 and a half cups
A millilitre is a unit of capacity. A gram is a unit of mass. The two units are therefore incompatible.
for a bike the ratio is usually 32:1. I mix it right in the gas can. I use 20l exactly of gas and put in 625ml of mixing oil.
You have more money than I have --- therefore, it is "You have more than I."
It is 14 more than 0. It is 13 more than 1. It is 12 more than 2. It is 11 more than 3. It is 10 more than 4. It is 9 more than 5. It is 8 more than 6. It is 7 more than 7. It is 6 more than 8. It is 5 more than 9. It is 4 more than 10. It is 3 more than 11. It is 2 more than 12. It is 1 more than 13. It is 0 more than 14. It is double 7. It is a half of 28. It is a third of 42. It is a quarter of 56. It is a fifth of 70.
Simple: it is 10 more than 56 it is 9 more than 57 it is 8 more than 58 it is 7 more than 59 it is 6 more than 60 it is 5 more than 61 it is 4 more than 62 it is 3 more than 63 it is 2 more than 64 it is 1 more than 65
It is more than half a litre!It is more than half a litre!It is more than half a litre!It is more than half a litre!
More than.