In decimal numbers the whole numbers are on the left side of the decimal point and the parts (fractions ) of a number are on the right hand side.
Looking at these two numbers you can see one is 1. and the other is 0. This means one number has got 1whole number and the other has no whole numbers SO 1.06 must be the bigger number
greater than
7 g is greater than 698 mg7 g > 698 mg
greater than
Yes, 0.907 is greater than 0.6801.0.907 is greater than 0.6801
55 is greater than 35.
.06 is only 1% as big as 6 is.
Complementary angles total 90 degrees. Since 106 is greater than 90, it doesn't have a complement.
0.06 m is greater than 0.001 cm
106 > 1.10 1.10 > 1.06
0.6 is less than 0.8
It is an obtuse angle becaause it is greater than 90 but less than 180 degrees
3.006 is less than 3.06
It is an obtuse angle because it is greater than 90 but less than 180 degrees
2.3 x 106 = 243.89.3 x 105 = 976.5 (is greater)
.04 and .06
1, 2, and 53, have their first common multiple of 106.