100001 is a big number and it is not easy to tell if the number is a Prime number or not.
But we can always start with numbers like 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 etc, which are also prime numbers.
Dividing 100001 each time with prime numbers can be tedious.
So we have to check by using divisibility rules.
Check with the first few prime numbers...
Let's check with 2:
100001 is an odd number so it is not divisible by 2.
Let us check if the number is divisible by 3:
Sum of digits = 1+0+0+0+0+1 = 2
[If the sum of digits is not a multiple of 3, then the number is not divisible by 3.]
Sum of digits is 2 and 2 is not a multiple of 3(or 2 is not divisible by 3).
So, 100001 is not divisible by 3.
Let's check with 11 after checking with 5 and 7:
Sum of digits at odd places = 1+0+0 = 1
Sum of digits at even places = 0+0+1 = 1
Difference = 1-1 = 0
[If the difference is zero or a multiple of 11 then the number is divisible by 11.]
So 100001 is divisible by 11.
Since 100001 is divisible by 11, it means 100001 has more than two factors.
So, 100001 is not a prime number.
100001 111101 (61) is bigger and is prime.
You is called a prime number!You is called a prime number!You is called a prime number!You is called a prime number!
A prime number times a prime number is a composite number. Since prime numbers, except for 2, are odd numbers, a prime number times a prime number is usually an odd number. It will only be an even number if one of the prime numbers is 2. A prime number times a prime number will be a number with four factors unless both prime numbers are the same, in which case it will be a square number with only three factors.
101 is a prime number. The only factor of 101 is itself and 1.prime
100001 111101 (61) is bigger and is prime.
It is 100001.
The next largest number after 100000 is 100001.
It is -999999.The smallest POSITIVE odd number is 100001.
It is -999999.The smallest POSITIVE odd number is 100001.
33 in decimal is 100001 in binary.
It is -999999.The smallest POSITIVE odd number is 100001.