There is no unit of measurement with the name or abbreviation "mi".
There is no unit of measurement with the name or abbreviation "mi".
greater by 20 feet
Note that 1 mile is 5280 ft. Multiply that value by 3 to obtain 15840 ft for 3 miles. Compare both given values, so 3 miles is bigger than 12320 ft.
They are equivalent.
2 miles
6200 ft is bigger by 20 ft. 1 Mile = 5280 ft 5280 + 900 = 6180
Are you real people Do you play ROBLOX Do you like math cause I don't
1 mi is considerably bigger.
There are 5,280 feet in a mile and so therefore 10,000 feet is bigger
100 mi (miles) is considerably bigger.
I'm not sure but I believe a km is bigger than a mi