101 is a prime number. The only factor of 101 is itself and 1.prime
101 is a prime number as it is divisible by itself and by 1 only.
Out of those 100 numbers, 21 of them are prime numbers, so the remaining (100 - 21) = 79 are composite.
neither prime or composite
It is prime
It is a prime.
It is prime.
No, 101 is not a composite number. It is a prime number because it is only divisible by 1 and itself.
101 is a prime number because its only factors are 1 and itself; 101.
101 is a prime number. The only factor of 101 is itself and 1.prime
no, it is prime
No, 101 is a prime number. ■
101 is a prime number; it has no composite factors.
Composite. 5 goes into it 101 times.
303 is 3 times 101, so it is composite.
No, they are prime.
101 is a prime number as it is divisible by itself and by 1 only.