86 is not a prime number, so is a composite.
It is prime so its not a composite number.
No 47 is a prime number so it is not a composite
50 is composite. Composite numbers are divisible by numbers other than themselves and one. The number 50 is also divisible by 2, 5, 10, and 25, so 50 is composite.*ANY number that ends in zero can be divided evenly by 10 (and 5 and 2, for that matter). That means no number ending in 0 can be prime.50 is a composite number.
0 is neither a prime or a composite number. It can not be divided by any number, so it would be difficult to classify it as prime or composite. 0 and 1 are the only numbers that are not prime and are not composite.
1, 5, 67, 137, 269, 335, 685, 1345, 9179, 18023, 36853, 45895, 90115, 184265, 2469151, 12345755.
86 is not a prime number, so is a composite.
It is prime so its not a composite number.
It is divisible by 3, so it is a composite number.
It's not prime as it can be decided by two, so it has to be composite.2,232 is a Composite Number.
As an even number greater than 2, 122 is a composite number.
It is divisible by 19, so it is composite.
No 47 is a prime number so it is not a composite
Yes, it is an even number so it is composite.
a composite number can be divided evenly, so 1150 is a composite number. 1150/2=575, it divides evenly.
Composite. It is even, so divisible by 2.
It's an even number so it MUST be composite!