Okay. This If You Are Looking For A Example Of Terminating And Repeating Decimal You Came To The Right Place :] Example For Terminating Decimal 1/7= 0.142857 Example For Repeating Decimal 1/3= 0.33..
The fraction 1/3 does not terminate.
9.09% The fraction is 1/11 or 1 divided by eleven. The decimal is then 0.09090909 and so on. You then multiply the decimal by 100 to get the percentage.
If that is a terminating decimalthen put the digits after the decimal point over 1 followed by the same number of zeros as digits after the decimal point and simplify:0.363636363636 has 12 digits, so put over 1 followed by 12 zeros:0.363636363636 = 363636363636/1000000000000= 90909090909/250000000000If that is a repeating decimal (as in 0.363636...)then put the repeating digits over the same number of nines and simplify: 0.363636... has 2 repeating digits (36), so put them over 2 nines (99):0.363636... = 36/99= 4/11
It has a terminating decimal.
No, it is an infinitely recurring decimal.
yes! it is .2
No; if the non-terminating decimal repeats then it represents a rational.Examples:0.3333... = 1/30.428571428571... = 3/70.181818... = 2/11
0.166666... with an infinite number of 6s. This is a non-terminating decimal.
A terminating decimal is a decimal that ends like 3.5 or 7.819. A non terminating or Repeating decimal is a decimal that does not end. Instead is goes on forever like 1/3 which is .3 repeating. Pi is another exaple of a non terminating decimal.
Okay. This If You Are Looking For A Example Of Terminating And Repeating Decimal You Came To The Right Place :] Example For Terminating Decimal 1/7= 0.142857 Example For Repeating Decimal 1/3= 0.33..
Yes, it is.
5/8 A decimal that does not repeat.
9 1/2 equals to 9.5 It is, a so called, 'terminating' decimal.
To sum this answer up you half to turn the fraction into a decimal and if it ends that is terminating but if it keeps going it is called a repeating decimal EXAMPLES Terminating- 5/10=.5 Repeating- 1/3=.3333 (bar notation over the 3)