

Is 24 a prime or composite numbber?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Is 24 a prime or composite numbber?
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24 is composite.

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Is the number 24 a prime or composite?

24 is composite because it can factored or split up as 24 = 3 * 8 for example. Prime numbers, such as 23, can not be split into factors.

Is it 24 prime or composite?

It is a composite number.

Is 95 24 31 prime or composite?

95 and 24 are composite numbers and 31 is a prime number

What are the factors of 24 and is it prime or composite?

Composite. 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24

Is 24 and 32 prime or composite?

Both composite.

Is 24 51 3 composite number?

24 and 51 are composite, 3 is prime.

Determine whether 24 is prime or composite?

It's composite