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Q: Is 2 t bigger than 2500 ib?
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Just look at the first numbers 3 and 2. Is 3 bigger than 2 or 2 bigger than 3. Of course 3 is bigger than 2 so .315 is bigger than .21

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No, 3 is 1 unit bigger than 2

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(a+b)(a-b) = a2 - b2 if we replace b by ib in this equation, then we get: (a+ib)(a-ib) = a2 - (ib)2 = a2 + b2 if z=a+ib then its conjuguate is a-ib and their product is a2 + b2

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2500 millilitres is more than a litre. 2500 mL = 2.5 L = 2 1/2 L

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