Yes, 4.78 is a rational number because it can be expressed as a fraction where the numerator and denominator are integers and the denominator is not zero. In this case, 4.78 can be written as 478/100, which simplifies to 239/50. Since both 239 and 50 are integers and 50 is not zero, 4.78 is indeed a rational number.
It must be a generalised rational number. Otherwise, if you select a rational number to multiply, then you will only prove it for that number.
Yes. Any rational number divided by another rational number is also rational.
478 is an integer, not a mixed number.
Number 478 is Froslass
478 = 478/1
Number 478 is Froslass.
It is a rational number. It can be written as a fraction.
A Manchester number beginning with 0161 478 can be anywhere in the Manchester area.
There are 478 hundreds in the number.
Is 12.05 a rational number or irrational number?
1.96 is a rational number
478-953-5006 478-953-5006