45 is nearest to 50 because it is closer to 50 on the number line. When determining which number is closer, you can look at the distance between the numbers. In this case, the distance between 45 and 50 is 5, while the distance between 45 and 40 is 5 as well. Since 5 is smaller than 10, 45 is closer to 50 than it is to 40.
45 to the nearest tens place is 50.
percentage to the nearest tenth of a percent = 90.0% % rate: = 45/50 * 100% = 0.90 * 100% = 90.0%
The number halfway between 40 and 50 is the average of the two numbers. To find the average, you add the two numbers together and divide by 2. In this case, (40 + 50) / 2 = 45. So, 45 is the number halfway between 40 and 50.
30, 35, 40, 45
48 -> 50 (until 45 it would be 40)
45 to the nearest tens place is 50.
45 / 50 = 0.9
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 45, 50, and 40 is 1,800.
45.00...1 to 54.99... NB 45 would be rounded down to 40.
To the nearest integer, 45 To the nearest ten, 40
It is: (40+50)/2 = 45
LCM(40, 45, 50, 55) = 19800
25, to the nearest 50.